oh yes, and im bald now and it sooooo weird! its really nice in some ways but i feel really weird about going outside without anything on it, but yes, je suis sans cheveux!
we had a nice bbq for 4th of july, i made vegan brusshetta, aaron made so much good food, there werent fireworks over dodger stadium this year, but the local neighborhood kids had really good fireworks compared to last year, all over the valley to the right to the left fireworks. it was great.
Sunday, July 07, 2002
its starting to feel like times going by really quickly, that the next chemos going to be too soon almost, but thats mainly because of the holiday last weekend, this coming week being my first full week of normalcy. This cycle was harder than the last, i think some of it having to so with anticipatory anxiety, and also i didnt get enough of an iv drip so it was really hard to keep water down and that made me feel awful. I went to acupuncture this time, right after chemo and it did help, i didnt feel so consistantly nauseous and was able to have time between nausea that i felt almost normal. that was cool. so im going to continue doing that.
im not going to the weekly support group anymore: it had started feeling like a these are my aching pains and oh woe is me group feel sorry for me sort of thing, i am so not into that. i was hoping that it would be more positive and more like granted we are all dealing with cancer so thats a given, what do you do from there but it felt somewhat like a sub for therapy and was getting me down. Its probably good for some people but im just not into it.
what i have been into is nervousness.org, its a website that is an online listings for mail art projects and exchanges: i signed up to eschange postcards with people and so far have gotten so many some from choice places as new zealand and new brunswick! its so exciting to get fun mail every day! And ive been super into making origami cranes, like the story of sadako and the 1000 cranes im goiong to get to 1000 and make my wish. (if anyone wants to make some cranes to send me, please do, they dont have to be of origami paper i like the ones from paper bags the best) and planning my bag making dynasty: im working on getting on the lixolux site a little craft store where i hopefully could sell some bags and things i make, and finishing my portfolio there. too many projects! is it possible to be able to do them all? craft and art are the only therapy i need!