my uncle alsen suggested once that i should do regular google checks on my name to see whats going on in the world about me, unfortunatly i havent been up to much lately, but an idle search brought this article up
and yes i took all those gross pictures, and im rather flattered as well. i was going to post a link to the whole project, but im still really freaked out by it and dont know where it exists in my portfolio, tho im really glad i did it. if you want to see it, email me, otherwise, i move on now.
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
not that anyone is probably still checking in here since ive been such a flake about writing. poo. ive been stressing the christmas gifts, not being able to make as many as i had planned because my new midday schedule of radiation makes me tired for most of the day. either this part of it is stronger or i just thought it was morning tiredness but geez its kicking my butt fatigue wise.
im in the boost portion of the radiation treatment, monday 12/23 is my LAST radiation treatment hooray just in time for xmas and alot of laziness. The first radiation was a generalized treatment to the entire breast from both sides, and this one is an electron radiation right directly at the scar and where the tumor was. its longer and the hair on my arms get staticy because of all th free electrons all over the place. anyways, so im only good from about when i wake up till 2pm when i get home after radiation, at that point the rest of the afternoon evening looks good from the couch. soon done though, thank goodness.
In other news, aaron got and is working his new job at Disney, hes there now and its so weird to not have him home all the time, that just got natural after awhile. I was in a craft fair this last weekend with allison in silverlake, we sold some stuff and met people it was really good. And our pantry has a roof leak so the kitchen is full of dry goods on every surface its a mess. and the rain! oof its been a weee k already.